{"id":2727,"date":"2015-04-11T14:06:41","date_gmt":"2015-04-11T13:06:41","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/mathedup.co.uk\/?p=2727"},"modified":"2015-08-27T13:28:05","modified_gmt":"2015-08-27T12:28:05","slug":"calculator-hacks","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.mathedup.co.uk\/calculator-hacks\/","title":{"rendered":"Calculator hacks"},"content":{"rendered":"

I recently came across this blog post<\/a> by\u00a0@RGS_maths<\/span><\/a>\u00a0where they shared some calculator tips. Many of these I had come across before but the one that stood out for me and got me all excited was number 5: Verify your algebra. To be honest, the only time I had ever come across the “VERIF” mode was when students would thrust their calculators at me displaying “TRUE\/FALSE” demanding that I fix it for them.\u00a0I had never actually taken the time to find out what this mode does (I keep meaning to read that\u00a0tiny manual!) or how it might be used. I have had a bit of a play around over the past couple of days and I’ve found that not only can you use it to verify your\u00a0identities, you can also use it to check\u00a0to see if you have solved an equation correctly (store\u00a0your solution as a letter before you enter the verify mode). I have just created this video to demonstrate this:<\/p>\n