A very quick one (5 minute blog post?).. Firstly I want to thank @TeacherToolkit for the 5 minute series and @DaK_74 for the fantastic idea of using it for a test analysis. My fantastic year 11s did a PPE (Pre Public Exam) recently created by PiXL. I wanted a way for them to be able to reflect on […]
Core 1 and 2 Essential skills
Due to popular demand, I have created a set of 5 “Essential Skills” sheets for Core 1. They are aimed at the AQA syllabus but could easily be adapted to suit others. The idea of these is to help students who are currently on D grade or below and to give them regular practice of […]
Show me boards 2.0
Having now entered my 12th year as a maths teacher and witnessed the evolution of the mathematics classroom in that time, I find that my favourite resource is still the show me board (see this Prezi put together by an excellent NQT in our department). I have, in the past, had my own Qwizdom set […]
Silent maths videos
In a recent maths teaching and learning meeting, I led a session on using videos in maths lessons. We talked about how there are different types of videos out there and when it would be appropriate to use each type. Although they are great for independent learning, I’m personally not a fan of using “explanation” […]
Maths mentor scheme
Intervention, intervention, intervention! If your department is anything like ours, you will be doing all you can to help your year 11 students achieve that magical C grade. With all the strategies that we use it is often difficult to pin down which ones are most effective. One of the strategies we have been using […]
Maths revision badges
I put these badges together in 2012 for my then year 11 class to help them along with their revision. I gave them out as rewards for those who worked hard or completed a particular task at the end of revision lessons. They went down an absolute storm, with many students vowing to collect the […]
The web hosting industry
The web hosting industry keeps growing as more and more businesses realize the importance of high server reliability and providers constant support. You can ensure that you can maintain the most valuable asset in your business. For the most reliable hosting you can go with Google, Amazon or Microsoft. These three companies have the reputation […]
Peterborough Maths Dropbox
Want free access to over 5,000 tried and tested maths resources, conveniently sorted for you in an intuitive way? Then you need to join this shared maths resource Dropbox folder.
Let’s talk about SET baby!
Last week Peterborough had its first Maths Jam. Amongst all of the maths puzzles being thrown about, a few of us settled down to exercise our minds by playing a nice game of SET cubed. Those of you who are new to SET, it’s a game of connections. There are many variations to the game, […]
Vectors puzzle
My fantastic further maths group had a whale of a time today working on this really nice jigsaw activity (PDF) that covers the whole of the vectors topic in Further Pure 4 (AQA). The task required them to discuss what they were doing and gave them the opportunity to bring together all of the ideas […]