Welcome to the new look MathedUp! I have been working hard on this over the past few weeks, and although it is still a work in progress, it is now ready to be unleashed on the public. At the moment, there is only KS5 content and I am continuing to add to this. I will build up the content for KS3 and KS4 over time and hopefully by the summer, this area of the site will also be launched.
MathedUp!, as before, is aimed primarily at teachers but there is plenty there for students too. Please direct your 6th formers to the site if they need a little extra help with their revision or if they need to catch up with some work independently. I should add that the site is set up around the AQA modules, but could be used by students of any exam board.
A special thanks to Examsolutions, maths247 and hegartymaths for allowing me to use their video content. I have also added some of my own from my youtube channel.
Please have a browse and, as always, I will welcome any feedback..