I recently presented for Edexcel on Innovative methods for teaching Further Mathematics. I wanted to ensure everything was accessible to teachers who are new to teaching further maths, so focussed on introducing some topics and ideas. I used a mixture of Autograph and Geogebra to demonstarte how I approach certain topics. I have also created an Edexcel Further maths Dropbox that anyone is more than welcome to contribute to. Below are the activities the delegates worked on:
Introducing Conic sections
1. This worksheet gives instructions on building the Autograph file and details about the investigation. Think about the questions you/students could be asking as you work through this.
2. Click here to open Geogebra. Use the images below (or Google your own) to experiment with the different conic sections. Here is a link to a video guide to using these.
Linear Algebra
1. Load this Geogebra file. Write down the key questions you could ask to make the most of these learning resource.
2. The image of F – Work through this worksheet and write down how this resource enhances students’ learning. Can you improve the questions?
Complex numbers
1. Root tracker 1 – Write down the key questions you could ask to make the most of this learning resource.
2. Root tracker 2 – Use this to extend pupils thinking and lead into the idea of imaginary numbers, complex numbers and Argand Diagrams.
3. Example questions – Here is a link to the nrich site where the above resources were taken from. You will find some ideas on how the resources could be used.
Further Maths Dropbox
A link to the Edexcel Further Maths Dropbox area can be found here. You will find tons of resources to use with FP1, FP2 and FP3 here. It would be great if you could become a contributor to this.. Contact me for details on how to do this.
In order to increase uptake of Further Maths, why not create a community of mathematicians across the school, using your more able mathematicians as ‘Maths Ambassadors’. At TDA we have set up a regular problem solving club for KS4 and KS5 students where they focus on problems from the UKMT mentoring scheme. We have also got students to register with brilliant.org and MathFights to add to motivation and explore areas of mathematics outside of the curriculum. In addition to this, we have invested in all of the FunMaths Roadshow resources.