This review is for Sumaze! which is a problem solving app developed by both MEI and Sigma Network.

This review is for Sumaze! which is a problem solving app developed by both MEI and Sigma Network.
A review of Create A Test. A tool that is designed to take the pain out of creating maths assessments.
This post was prompted by a tweet from @rufuswilliam who asked about A-level taster sessions for year 11s in today’s #mathsTLP chat (7pm-8pm every Sunday). For those of you who are unaware, most schools invite their year 11 students back after their GCSE exams for a couple of days to give them a ‘taste’ of A-levels and what […]
Now, don’t get me wrong, I live in the real world and I completely get that sometimes we just need a way of remembering how to do stuff. But over the past however many years, when I have picked up a year 12 AS maths class, the thing that has annoyed me the most is […]
Here is a quick share of an A-Level revision idea that a colleague (@209fifashirts) and I developed last year. It is similar to the flipped revision idea I shared last week but has a specific theme. Pokemon. Just to be clear, I had no idea when it came to Pokemon, but have been told that they […]
I recently presented for Edexcel on Innovative methods for teaching Further Mathematics. I wanted to ensure everything was accessible to teachers who are new to teaching further maths, so focussed on introducing some topics and ideas. I used a mixture of Autograph and Geogebra to demonstarte how I approach certain topics. I have also created […]
Due to popular demand, I have created a set of 5 “Essential Skills” sheets for Core 1. They are aimed at the AQA syllabus but could easily be adapted to suit others. The idea of these is to help students who are currently on D grade or below and to give them regular practice of […]
My fantastic further maths group had a whale of a time today working on this really nice jigsaw activity (PDF) that covers the whole of the vectors topic in Further Pure 4 (AQA). The task required them to discuss what they were doing and gave them the opportunity to bring together all of the ideas […]